Pioneer CDJ-800MK2 Professional Digital CD / MP3 Turntable
Sale!$5.59Current price is: $5.59. Original price was: $6.99.
Product Description
Piano Party is the core book at all four levels of the Bastiens’ Invitation to Music Series (A, B, C, D); new concepts are introduced in the Piano Party books. Along with Piano Party, the companion books, Theory Ear Training Party and Performance Party, provide the formula for a well-balanced music education. Colorful illustrations in all the books are used to reinforce concepts and styles, to maintain interest, and to motivate. Book A introduces the music alphabet, high low (up down — right left) concepts, finger numbers, white key names, and counting (quarter, two eighths, half, dotted half, and hwole notes). Playing black key clusters establishes good hand positions. The book concludes with Middle C pieces in pre-staff notation. Piano Party is the core book at all four levels of the Bastiens’ Invitation to Music Series (A, B, C, D); new concepts are introduced in the Piano Party books. Along with Piano Party, the companion books, Theory Ear Training Party and Performance Party, provide the formula for a well-balanced music education. Colorful illustrations in all the books are used to reinforce concepts and styles, to maintain interest, and to motivate.
Pioneer CDJ-800MK2 Professional Digital CD/MP3 Turntable
$100.00Current price is: $100.00. Original price was: $1,199.99.
Product Description
Avalon Eb Alto Clarinet, Ebonite body, nickel plated keys, case and mouthpiece. Similar to Yamaha YCL-230.
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